There are many opportunities for our students to continue their learning and fun through extracurricular and co-curricular clubs and activities! Our before school, afterschool, and summer enrichment programs afford students the opportunity to explore STREAM related occupations. The clubs and classes that are offered change regularly based on interest and availability. There is an annual Preschool and Kindergarten Field Trip/Activity/Technology Fee: $50/year due on or before September 15. This fee covers the onsite assembly program costs, ongoing technology services and equipment costs (e.g. emergency calling, website maintenance, software, and hardware), transportation and admission fee costs for three curriculum aligned field trips each school year. Includes co-curricular learning activities (e.g. Computer, Spanish, Robotics, Coding, Chess, Ambassadors Public Speaking Club, or Geography Club). Does not include extracurricular activities (e.g. dance, athletics, private music lessons etc.). The cost of many of these clubs or activities is not included in tuition for homeschool support or kindergarten.
National Beta Club
The National Beta Club is an academic honors program with a strong emphasis on community service. Our motto is "Let Us Lead By Serving Others." Students are awarded membership based on their grades (GPA) and character traits. The National Beta Club is the largest independent, non-profit, educational youth organization in America. We are one of almost 9,000 clubs located throughout the United States and across the globe (including clubs in China, Japan, Guam, Russia, Hungary, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Panama and Puerto Rico). As a demonstration of character and leadership, Beta members are required to participate in community service projects. Each student must participate in a minimum of 10 BETA CLUB service hours per semester and maintain an overall GPA of 3.0. Since superior character is one of the qualities of a Beta member, members are expected to demonstrate Christian character such as faithfulness, trustworthiness, responsibility, respectfulness, compassion, citizenship, honesty, integrity, etc.
Currently our group has several service projects planned that benefit the homeless (especially women and children), refugees, and families experiencing crises. We serve meals and assist with food, coat, clothing, blanket, and toy giveaways this holiday season. Our students tutor and babysit foster and refugee children, and serve the global community in numerous ways. We have annually participate in an Alzheimer’s and Dementia Literacy event wherein we engage elderly citizens in brain stimulating physical activities and also pack gift boxes for Operation Christmas Child. We call this our Year to Shine (Matthew 5:16). The National Beta Club develops young people who are uniquely prepared to step up to the leadership roles and challenges of a complex, changing world. It encourages our members to become responsible, engaged citizens working toward creating important initiatives that address issues facing our community both today and into the future. For more than 80 years, the National Beta Club organization has prepared today's students to be tomorrow's leaders. We are a 501.c.2 tax exempt organization and donations are tax deductible.
The National Beta Club promotes academic success, leadership development, and Christian character through service. Beta members are required to participate in a minimum of 10 BETA CLUB service hours per semester. Beta Club projects are projects that our club has agreed to help with and that are announced at our meetings. Tutoring or other club projects, Boy Scouts, church functions, helping your sport with a fundraiser, etc. will not count as service projects for Beta Club. Only projects selected and announced at Beta Club meetings count. Hours do not carry over. 4th-12th grade students meet the second Friday of each month 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Dues $25 and $15 T-shirt
We will meet as follows during the 2022-23 school year:
August 12, 11:30 am-12:30 pm Virtual meeting online
September 9, 11:30 am-12:30 pm Virtual meeting online/officer election
October 14, 11:30 am-12:30 pm Virtual meeting online
November 11, 11:30 am-12:30 pm Virtual meeting online
February 10, 11:30 am-12:30 pm Virtual meeting online
March 10, 11:30 am-12:30 pm Virtual meeting online
April 14,11:30 am-12:30 pm Virtual meeting online
May 12, 11:30 am-12:30 pm Virtual meeting online
May 24, 6:00 - 8:00 pm Graduation Ceremony and Honor's Assembly at Briscoe Park Betty McMichael Room 2500 Sawyer Parkway, Snellville, GA 30078 RSVP required
We believe a Biblical worldview is essential for Christian thinking and living. Daily chapel services enable students to hear and share the gospel of Jesus Christ. Spiritual formation and faith development are cultivated as students discover Bible truths in the midst of Biblical community. Our extra-curricular and co-curricular activities promote the development of Christian character and the discovery of gifts through adversity, teamwork, and commitment to a task. In our efforts to grow in our relationship with the Lord, Chapel, a corporate devotional period is held each morning. Parents are encouraged to join the children in worship and morning devotions. Children will learn Christian character traits from Bible stories of characters such as Jesus (love), Noah (obedience), Daniel (faithfulness), and the Apostle Paul (joyfulness).
Chapel services incorporate music, creative arts, and thoughtful discourse on Biblical topics designed to help students discover and grow in their faith, develop Godly character and learn how to apply Biblical principles to their everyday situations. Teachers and students lead their peers in active and meaningful times of worship each week. Middle and high school students work together with the chaplain to identify a theme for chapel throughout the year. This year the theme is Shine. Students in all grade levels participate in planning each chapel service, from the worship to the speaker. The TSA community looks forward to this dynamic time together each week.
The first class of each day is Bible and Bible truths are the foundation for every subject area. In the sciences, we discover God as designer. Mathematics reflects God's character of bringing orderliness to chaos. In Literature we see how God gives us the gift of language in order to communicate with him and serve in our role as a royal priesthood. Bible classes include a formal academic study of the Christian Bible, the deity of Christ, memorization of verses, and the need for humankind to have a personal relationship with a loving and living God. Barna Group's GenZ study indicates young people today are less biblically literate than previous generations and other worldviews (such as humanism, scyncretism, pluralism, naturalism and pantheism) are being promoted through social media and even churches. Kids are facing challenges to their faith—both morally and intellectually—at an earlier rate than previous generations. Students need a good foundation if they are going to stand firm in the Truth.
How can a young man cleanse his way? By taking heed according to Your word. With my whole heart I have sought You; Oh, let me not wander from Your commandments! Your word I have hidden in my heart, that I might not sin against You! Psalm 119:9-11
Bible Quiz
Bible Bowl is a quick recall program where students compete over their knowledge of scripture. A selected book or books of the Bible is determined as the text that season. A team competes against another team over a selected segment of the text; the team with the most points at the end. Read more at .
• Encourages students to read the Bible consistently
• Offers a college scholarship
• Teaches helpful study, memorization, and test-taking skills that can be applied to other areas of life
• Builds teamwork and sportsmanship • Connects students throughout the region and nation with other like-minded students
• Gives students a competitive outlet in a Christian atmosphere
A team is comprised of up to four players in either 3rd through 5th grade for Beginner Bible Bowl or 6th through 12th grade for Teen Bible Bowl. A team sponsor (a parent or other adult) will have practices with his or her team weekly in order to guide the students in their weekly reading and studying habits. During the game itself, a quizmaster will lead the game by reading the questions to the players, while the team sponsor will either keep score or keep time.
Register to attend events at , then visit the site to register your team(s).
MATERIALS Student and Leaders materials can be purchased at
Bible Bowl has events October through May. Each team will play all the teams in their division for the most wins.
Individual and team awards are presented to the top placing teams, and to the top individuals on the Individual Written Achievement Test, Quote Bee, and other competitions.
Interested 1st-12th grade students are also allowed to participate in Cedine Bible Quiz Travel teams as well.
Students travel to compete in competitions as follows:
October (Blytheville, AR)
December (Nashville, TN)
February (Knoxville, TN)
April (Quiz Retreat and Final Quiz at Camp Cedine in Spring City, TN)
1st-5th Thursdays 11 a.m. - 12 p.m.
6th-12th Thursdays 12:00-1:00 p.m.
Registration is $50
T-shirts are $10
Chess Club
Chess provides students an approach to learn and use reasoning skills. These
skills then carry over to other educational and life endeavors. The afterschool club engages students in mini-games and activities that are designed to correlate with many of the
State Standards for Mathematics, thus making wise choices with precious
learning time.
The National Scholastic Chess Foundation states that Chess education is extremely effective with children because:
• Chess involves all levels of critical thinking (knowledge, comprehension, analysis, evaluation)
• Chess requires forethought and cultivates visualization skills
• Chess improves problem solving skills
• Chess encourages children to overcome the fear of risk-taking
• Chess teaches concentration and self-discipline
• Chess enables children to assume responsibility for their decisions
• Chess rewards determination and perseverance
• Chess raises self-esteem and promotes good sportsmanship
• Chess encourages the development of social and emotional skills.
Registration is as follows:
PreK-K Included in the Activity Fee
1st-12th $40/month
1st-5th Thursdays 1:00-2:00 p.m.
6th-9th Thursdays 2:00-3:00 p.m.
Future Business Leaders
Aspiring young entrepreneurs and business leaders acquire valuable skills by solving actual business and society problems. Students ages 11-15 work in teams and are mentored by industry experts. Students will prepare for college and careers through a variety of leadership, community service, and academic activities. They present and defend their solutions before a panel of venture capital and angel investors. They write strategic business plans and grants for their business proposals.
Jr. Achievement job shadowing.
Class dates and times will be based upon interest. TBA
Theater Club
Drama club focuses on students learning basic foundations and techniques in acting, improvisation, character analysis, and movement. Students become familiar with basic acting techniques, theatre
history, dance, theatrical design, and theatre production in order to use their gifts to share the gospel. Theatre is the study of human behavior in
which imagination plays a vital role. Developing ones imaginative skills occurs when the mind
and body work together. Students are encouraged to inspire, inquire, and develop skills in the following areas: self-discipline, respect for yourself and others, and effective communication
skills. Students in this course are not required to audition for extra-curricular productions and will perform Christian and academic themed sets at the annual Christmas banquet, end of semester recitals, and Easter production.
PreK-K Included in the Activity Fee
1st-12th $40/month
1st-5th Thursdays 10:00-11:00 a.m.
6-9th Thursdays 11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
Back by popular demand
Clubs led by Dr. Penn
4th-8th grade students
Six students maximum
Ambassadors Public Speaking:
Students learn public speaking principles as they practice: improvisation, giving impromptu speeches, presenting persuasive speeches, and receiving constructive evaluation
Tuesdays 1-2 p.m. $25 and $10 for the workbook
You can order a copy in the office or online at
Famous Scientists: Students replicate discoveries of renown scientists. Proverbs tells us that the fear of God, not science, is the beginning of knowledge. In a biblical worldview, scientific observations are interpreted in light of the truth that is found in the Bible. Standards aligned life, earth, and physical science lessons.
Tuesdays 2-3:30 p.m. $30
Piano Festival
• To bring together young people who attend ACSI member schools for the opportunity to be involved in the adjudication process from qualified and experienced judges.
• To provide incentive for high standards of performance in musicianship skills.
• To encourage the service of music through performance in the school, community and church.
• To broaden the vision and ability of the students and their teachers through the understanding of ACSI’s standards and goals.
DESCRIPTION Each student, on his/her own level of achievement, performs two (2) pieces (one hymn and one classical) before an adjudicator. The student is judged against a standard of excellence and NOT against other students. Each student will receive a written adjudication on his/her performance.
Grades 3-12 are eligible to attend. They must attend an ACSI member school and presently be taking lessons from a qualified piano teacher.
Students participating in the Duet category are required to perform in the Solo adjudication before entering the Duet event.
Hymn – The entire piece is to be performed as if for a congregation. An introduction and 2 stanzas of the hymn must be played, if playing from a hymnal.
Classical - Levels: Preparatory through advanced
Pieces may be selected hymn books and published state lists.
The festival is usually a half-day event. The level in which the student plays determines the time allotted for the performance. The exact schedule will come from the event chairman. Lunch and refreshments not provided. It is at the discretion of the school to offer concessions.
Ribbons will be awarded to all entries rated superior, excellent, or good. All participants will receive a Certificate of Participation.
Registration fee $50 early and $90 late
Student Participation Fee =$10.00 per pianist (solo, duet), $12 late
Geography Club
Students who love geography meet weekly to prepare for the district Geography Bee. 4th to 8th grade contestants from around the state will compete in the Georgia Geographic Bee, part of the National Geographic Bee contest. The National Geographic GeoBee is an annual competition designed to inspire and reward students' curiosity about the world. Contestants respond to challenging questions about geography and applications of geographic knowledge. The bee winner will be invited to compete for the national championship, to be held in Washington, D. C. in May.
Dates and times are TBD
Art Club and Classes
PreK and Kindergarten students complete numerous art projects during the school day. Projects are correlated with academics, Bible lessons, and the seasons. . We encourage creativity and artistic advancement through co-curricular classes that help your child further their drawing, painting, shaping, and modeling abilities. Introduce your artist to perspective techniques, intermediate, and neutral colors.
PreK-Kindergarten Included in Activity Fee
1st-12th grade $30/month
1st-5th Thursdays 11 a.m. - 12 p.m.
6th-9th Thursdays 12:00-1:00 p.m.
• To encourage interest in art education and an appreciation of the visual arts by exhibition and viewing.
• To promote the talent of those gifted in the visual arts and recognize their achievements through awards.
• To provide an opportunity for students to receive constructive criticism and grow creatively in their visual art endeavors.
Students will display artwork in various artistic media. All projects must be prepared according to established guidelines and will be judged on the day of the festival. The students will have the opportunity to view the artwork of other students and to meet fellow artists. A guest artist is often invited to share with the students. Workshops are also often offered. In order for our gifted visual art students to benefit fully from this event, STUDENT ATTENDANCE IS REQUIRED. The chairman will communicate the details of the event. The participating school’s representative must be prepared to set up and tear down their students’ artwork.
ELIGIBILITY Students in grades K-12 are eligible to participate, although some of our host sites offer different grade levels. Check the registration form for grade levels at specific locations.
Each school is limited to 36 entries maximum. Schools should conduct their own art festival and advance only the top rated projects to the ACSI Art Festival. There is a limit of two (2) pieces of work from any one student, and they must be in different categories.
REQUIRED ADULT VOLUNTEERS Schools may need to provide up to 3 judges in addition to providing adequate adult supervision for their own students. The chairperson will let you know how many he or she needs from you.
The art festival is a half-day event. The exact schedule will come from the chairman. Lunch and refreshments are not provided. It is at the discretion of the school to offer concessions.
Exhibits will be awarded according to the quality of work and not in competition with other exhibits. Each student will receive a Certificate of Participation.
Best In Show –Rosette ribbon with streamers
Superior – Blue Ribbon
Excellent – Red Ribbon
Good – White Ribbon
Registration $60 early and $90 late
Student Participation Fee $10.00 per piece /$12 late
Krav Maga Self Defense
Krav Maga for children teaches tools and techniques tailored for situations that commonly confront 21st century students. In our classes, we stress: caring, being good stewards of our bodies, self-defense, fitness, and confidence. Students learn to use a wide variety of kicks, punches and grappling techniques in order to defend themselves against attackers and escape from hostile situations.
Class dates and times will be based upon interest. TBA
Robotics Club
The robotics club provides opportunities for students to learn about teamwork, responsibility, accountability, design strategy, problem solving, the importance of communication, relationship-building, and certainly provides growth opportunities in science, technology, engineering, and math. There are future scientists, tech leaders, engineers, ministers, and mathematicians in each classroom. A strategic approach to the integration of science, technology, religion, engineering, arts, and math (STREAM) education at all levels of instruction enables us to fulfill the school’s mission of equipping students for workforce and ministry opportunities in their future. Students are engaged in relevant multi-sensory learning with the use of robots.
Every year, FIRST LEGO League releases a Challenge, which is based on a real-world scientific topic.
Each Challenge has three parts: the Robot Game, the Innovation Project, and the Core Values. 1st-12th grade teams of up to ten children, with at least two adult coaches, participate in the Challenge by programming an autonomous robot to score points on a themed playing field (Robot Game), developing a solution to a problem they have identified (Project), all guided by the FIRST Core Values. Teams may then attend an official tournament.
FIRST Robotics (9-12 gr.)
FIRST Tech Challenge (7-12 gr.)
FIRST LEGO League (4-8 gr.)
FIRST LEGO League Junior (1-4 gr.)
FIRST LEGO League Jr. Discovery (PreK-K)
PreK-Kindergarten Included in Activity Fee
1st-12th grade $35 $10 T-shirt
1st-3rd Thursdays 11 a.m. - 12 p.m.
4th-6th Thursdays 12:00-1:00 p.m.
7-12th Fridays 2:00-3:00 p.m.
Field Trips
Students are engaged in standards aligned field trips onsite and offsite such as:
Providence Canyon State Park
State Bar, Journey Thru Justice
Atlanta History Center
Fernbank Museum
Ark Encounter and Creation Museum
Career/STEM Fair @ GA Tech
The Museum of History and Holocaust Education
Presidents’ Day at Booth Museum
Junior Achievement Biztown
Junior Achievement Finance Park
Washington, D.C.
Israel Senior Trip
George Washington Carver Museum
Spelling Bee
Students meet weekly to prepare for the Scripps Spelling Bee. Its purpose is to help students improve their spelling, increase their vocabulary, learn concepts, and develop correct English usage that will help them all their lives. The program takes place on two levels: local and national.
Dates and times are TBD
Students are taught and encouraged to use their bodies to glorify God, learn teamwork, and sportsmanship. Your child will learn the fundamentals of basketball with age-appropriate and fun skills and drills that build confidence, motor coordination, and athletic ability throughout the season. They learn the fundamentals of the sport (e.g. shooting, dribbling, passing, coordinated defensive, and offensive plays. All participants must have a current sports physical in order to participate. Players will be placed on teams consisting of 8 to 10 players. There will be a game each week.
Practice is held during afterschool Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday January through March.
K-3rd gr. $125 includes uniform rental
4th-9th gr. $135 includes uniform rental
Mini-camps are also offered during the summer enrichment program.
Our students and parents demonstrate sportsmanship, character, and respect for our opponents and officials. Our goal is to teach student athletes of all skill levels how to play the game of baseball while demonstrating God’s love in teaching and shaping the next generation of leaders. Team sports are competitive and require high levels of critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and creativity from players and coaches in order to achieve and sustain success. The philosophy of the league is to promote understanding of the game, as well as sportsmanship and Christian fellowship. Each participating family is expected to provide Christian support, care and encouragement to all other participants, families, coaches and officials that they may come into contact with during the course of the season.
4-6 years. $85 includes uniform rental
7-14 years $95 includes uniform rental
Mini-camps are also offered during the summer enrichment program.
Flag Football
Flag Football was created to foster the development of Christian faith, character and leadership in our student athlete while teaching the fundamentals of flag football. Players will learn the basics of running the ball, passing and receiving the ball. Flag pulling instead of contact football allows players to learn formations and develop skills in a fun and safe environment.
We partner with the NFL Flag Football association to bring a team spirit of familiar NFL team shirts to compete in. Our students understand what it means to be a part of our culture, but also how to stand out in the sport as an ambassador for the kingdom of God. We disciple players through Bible devotions where players learn integrity and sportsmanship skills that will help to develop them into our future leaders. Coming soon
Dance Club is a creative arts ministry that exists in order for students to express their love for Jesus through dance! Each class will center on the concept of using our ability to dance to magnify the Lord and show others the love of Christ. Our pursuit and focus as a dance ministry is to raise up a generation of girls and young women who love God and others in addition to possessing a passion for worship. Level I Classical ballet will be offered this fall. Classes include floor stretches specific to developing strength in their feet, hamstrings, calves, quadriceps, and back muscles. They will learn ballet barre basic steps and positions, correct posture, names of the steps and what they mean in the French language, waltz and character steps. Dancers will have an opportunity to learn improvization, use pantomime, and their ballet steps to act out different classical ballet stories. Class time will also be spent learning basic floor barre skills. Students may perform at monthly PTO meetings, the annual Christmas banquet, and the Easter production.
K-3rd $40 plus costume rental
4th-6th $35 plus costume rental
Cheerleading team consists of 1st-5th grade girls who have a passion for cheerleading. The team is aimed at teaching young girls the fundamentals of cheerleading while fostering a lifelong love for the sport. We use athletics to glorify God while developing Biblical character qualities. Our desire is to equip student athletes intellectually, physically, socially and spiritually in Christ so that He may use their gifts and talents to impact our world for Christ. The cheer program seeks to enhance school spirit by supporting the athletic program in addition to utilizing their talents to praise and worship God. K-6th grade students will practice weekly and accompany the basketball team to games.
Students purchase pom poms, bows, briefs, socks, and shoes.
Fees are $30/month in addition to uniform rental fee $45