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Your gifts allow us to intentionally cultivate potential

The Shepherd's Academy is a subsidary of The Shepherd's Academy for Teaching Excellence, a 501.c.3 charitable organization. Our mission is to equip the next generation of global leaders to make an impact on our world for the kingdom of God. We support parents and early educators in their efforts to train up a child in the way he should go. Proverbs 22:6 Your contribution will purchase STREAM classroom technology (tablets, interactive white boards, instructional and assessment software), materials, and professional development for our teachers. 

The Shepherd's Academy provides Christ centered academic services for children 6 weeks of age through 12th grade in Gwinnett and Dekalb Counties. Your gift will make the program accessible for children from economically disadvantaged communities and those who are at-risk of academic failure. We provide Bible based and developmentally appropriate STREAM learning experiences and assessments that promote 21st century skills development in preparation for Science, Technology, Religion, Engineering, Math and the Arts career fields. Inquiry, discovery learning, collaboration, and an emphasis on process-based learning are at the heart of the STREAM approach. Utilizing technology and leveraging the integrity of the field of science and the arts is essential to discovery learning.

We believe that children will tap into their creative imaginations and reinforce academic concepts as they are exposed to digital learning in a safe and nurturing environment. Thank you for your consideration and continued generosity to The Shepherd's Academy–our students and community are grateful.

Each one must give as he has decided in his heart…for God loves a cheerful giver. –2 Corinthians 9:7

Gifts by Check

Please mail checks to:

The Shepherd's Academy

c/o Dr. Althea Penn, Executive Director

P. O. Box 392006

Snellville, GA 30039

    Microsoft Give Mode

Give Mode is a feature of Microsoft Rewards that enables you to support a cause you care about simply by searching on Bing. It starts by signing up for Microsoft Rewards, their loyalty program. After joining, points earned for Bing searches will be automatically donated to us. Our organization is listed as Shepherds Academy for Teaching Excellence.

Here’s how it works:

· Choose Shepherds Academy for Teaching Excellence from more than 1 million nonprofits to support

· Search on Bing to earn Microsoft Rewards points

· Use your points to make donations—at no cost to you

To get started, install the extension and sign in with a Microsoft account to join Microsoft Rewards, our loyalty program. This will enable Give Mode on Bing.

When you search Bing in Give Mode, your searches earn points for Shepherds Academy for Teaching Excellence. The more you search, the more you’ll give—at no cost to you. The Give with Bing extension sets Bing as your default search engine, making the process seamless.

Kroger Community Rewards 

Did you know you can support The Shepherd’s Academy just by shopping at Kroger? It's easy when you enroll in Kroger Community Rewards®! To get started, sign up with your Plus Card and select The Shepherd’s Academy to support. Our organization number is VM207. Once you're enrolled, you'll earn 1% rewards for The Shepherd’s Academy every time you shop!

Amazon Smile

When you shop at, you’ll find the exact same low prices, vast selection and convenient shopping experience as, with the added benefit that Amazon will donate 0.5% of your eligible purchases to Shepherd’s Academy for Teaching Excellence, our parent organization. On your first visit to AmazonSmile,

you need to select our school to receive donations from eligible purchases before you begin shopping. Then every eligible purchase you make at will result in a donation.

Asset Based Gifts

The Shepherd's Academy is partnered with the National Christian Foundation to handle all donations of stock, mutual funds, restricted securities and other asset based giving. NCF is the largest Christian Community Foundation in the country and facilitates all stock donations for The Shepherd's Academy at no cost.

To give stock or other securities to The Shepherd's Academy, please contact Dr. Althea Penn and she can provide you with our account number and stock transfer information.


Many companies and foundations will match the value of charitable gifts made by employees and their spouses, board members, and retirees. Please check with your company to determine if they offer a matching gift program and if they do please let us know. 

Office Depot

5% Back to Schools 

Make a qualifying purchase at an Office Depot store or online and present our program ID to earn credits in the form of an Office Depot Merchandise Card that can be used towards FREE supplies! Our 5% Back to Schools ID # is 70235205 .

Publix School Rewards Card

Pick up a rewards card at the office. Present it each time you shop at Publix. There's a barcode for The Shepherd’s Academy on the back. Publix will reward the school 1% of your purchase.


Dad's Prayer Huddle

Dad's Prayer Huddle is an opportunity for men (fathers and grandfathers) from the TSA community to gather together for a time of fellowship and corporate prayer. Come and go as needed. No RSVP required. Invite a friend or fellow TSA brother to join.

Dad's are leading prayer during Tuesday night Prayer Warrior Weekvideoconference  7-8 pm

Dial +1 (224) 501-3412 or - One-touch:  tel:+12245013412,,855842117# or go to

Meeting ID: 855-842-117

Moms in Touch

All moms are invited to be a part of our Moms in Touch Prayer group as we pray for our kids, school, church, community, and nation. Every child needs your prayers. We believe that lives and whole communities are changed forever when moms gather to pray to the only One who can change a human heart. Moms can make the difference as they reach out to God in prayer – moms just like you.

Prayer and Bible Study 

Mondays 12-1 p.m.

Dial +1 (571) 317-3129 or - 

One-touch: tel:+15713173129,,279599357#

Meeting ID: 279-599-357

Tax Credit Scholarships

The Georgia Private School Tax Credit law allows eligible private citizens and corporations to receive tax credits for donations to Student Scholarship Organizations (SSOs). SSOs such as The Shepherd's Academy will provide student scholarships to parents of eligible children who plan to attend TSA. O.C.G.A. § 20-2A-1 thru § 20-2A-7 

 When you give to the SSO program, your wise stewardship provides students a scholarship towards an education centered on Christ. This is a practical way to protect more of your money from taxation through generous tax credits, allowing you to invest in our students and impact the school’s budget. In addition to the 50% Georgia state credit, your gift may also qualify as a charitable deduction on your federal tax return. The Shepherd's Academy will accept scholarship applications in the fall of 2021. Each school year, we will provide tuition assistance supported by  donations designated for scholarships. Any family can apply, and the amount of assistance is based on the resources of your family compared with tuition cost for your student(s). This calculation is done by a 3rd party organization, FACTS Grant & Aid Assessment (FACTS).

Parent Teacher Fellowship

PTF is an organization of volunteers dedicated to encouraging our faculty, staff, and families. Parents attend monthly meetings and are expected to volunteer one hour per nine week grading period. Please see the volunteer coordinator in order to schedule a time or sign in and receive the assignment for the day. Please indicate on your application for enrollment areas you are interested in and join us at a parent meeting for more information. (Parents will need to check-in

at the front office.)

Box Tops for Education®

One of the largest programs in the country, Box Tops for Education® typically rewards schools $.10-$1.50 per box top submitted. No more clipping. No more sending Box Tops to school. All you need is your phone. Download the ALL-NEW Box Tops app, shop as you normally would, then simply scan your store receipts to find participating products. The app will automatically credit our school's Box Tops earnings online. A complete list of participating products can be found on their site.

Online Giving

PayPal ButtonPayPal Button

The following form is available for giving online gifts to our Vision 2020 Campaign (make one-time gifts or create recurring payments), Annual Fund, or General Fund (where gifts will be allocated according to greatest need). Completion of the form will generate an invoice. You may make a contribution immediately using the Paypal donate button above.

Donor Name*

Email Address*

Gift Designation*

Select an option


Business Name (if applicable)

Street Address*

City, State, and Zip Code*


Cardholder Name

Student Name (if applicable)

Gift Amount*

Thank you

Your contribution will enable us to equip kingdom kids and educators to impact the world for Christ.

Dr. Althea Penn, Executive Director

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