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Standardized Testing

We administer the SAT10/OLSAT8, ITBS/CogAT, and WRAT5. The Stanford 10 Achievement Test®, Iowa Test of Basic Skills®, and Wide Range Achievement Test® are nationally standardized multiple-choice assessments that enable educators and parents to assess what students know and are able to do. The testing instruments are reliable tools that provide an objective measurement of academic achievement and guidance for instruction. The SAT and ITBS/academic achievement tests are also available in combination with the Otis-Lennon School Ability Test®or the Cognitive Abilities Test ®. The abilities test measures the cognitive abilities that relate to a student’s ability to learn in school. By assessing a student’s

abstract thinking and reasoning abilities, the results supply educators with information they can use to enhance the insight that traditional achievement tests provide. Combining the achievement tests and the learning ability test will help you develop reasonable expectations for your student’s progress, based on his or her abilities. Once you are able to discern whether your student is reaching his or her academic potential, you can understand how to tailor your teaching to your child’s learning style.

Testing Price

Stanford 10 Achievement Test and OLSAT or Iowa Test of Basic Skills and CogAT combination (Spring)—*40/$60 per student regular fee - $40 off if registered by January 1

(includes testing preview electronic resources, test taking materials, postage,

computerized scoring report, diagnostic consultation)*

The Stanford 10 and ITBS Achievement Tests evaluate:

1. Word study skills

2. Reading skills/comprehension

3. Vocabulary

4. Mathematics

5. Language

6. Spelling

7. Social studies/science

8. Listening

Parents receive confidential results:

1. Nationally norm-referenced scores: scaled, grade equivalent, stanine, and percentile rank

2. Graphed achievement percentiles

3. Content cluster skills evaluations

4. Skills performance ratings

5. Score interpretation brochure

Year Round Standardized Testing

Wide Range Achievement Test (Year round)—$25 per student (includes scoring report, diagnostic consultation) (Save $45 if registered by December 1)

The widely respected Wide Range Achievement Test® (WRAT) accurately measures the basic

academic skills of word reading, sentence comprehension, spelling, and math

computation. This quick, simple, psychometrically sound assessment of a

student’s important fundamental academic skills serves as an excellent initial

evaluation, re-evaluation, or progress measure for any student—especially those

referred for learning, behavioral, or vocational difficulties. Assessments can be obtained in as little as 45 minutes for younger children (K-3rd) and as little as one or two hours

for older students (4-12th grade). The test can be administered and scored at a local library individually.

Student Eligibility—Homeschool students—For a student to be defined as “homeschooled,” the majority of his education must be privately funded and provided at home rather than in a traditional classroom setting. Students whose education is home-based but provided by a publicly funded school would not be considered “homeschooled” for these testing purposes.

ADA Accessible—Special accommodations can be made upon request for students requiring a wheel-chair accessible desk or other special arrangement.

Private Testing Session—Private testing sessions are available upon request, for an additional charge. (This may be necessary if your child has an IEP and diagnosed learning difficulty that prevents the test from being administered in a group setting.-additional $15)

Test Results Consultation—Half-hour consultation sessions on score interpretation and curriculum recommendations are available at no extra charge.

(Scoring SAT10/OLSAT or ITBS//CogAT-10 business days and WRAT-immediately)

Testing Dates

Testing and Consultation

ITBS/CogAT (not administering this school term)


April 18-20, 9 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. $40 EB/$60 registered after January 1

July 20-22, 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. $40 EB $60 registered after February 1

WRAT4/5-Year round by appointment $25 or by appointment

January 12, 9 a.m. - 11 a.m. on campus (Church on Main 2400 Main St E Snellville, GA 30039) or virtual

July 23, 9 a.m. – 11 a.m. or 1-3 p.m.

April 22, 9 a.m. – 11 a.m. or 1-3 p.m.

EB-Early bird rate before February 1, 2022

SAT10/OLSAT computerized results and diagnostic feedback will be available February 2022, May 2022, and August  2022 


To sign up, simply register your student(s) below and submit payment at . Register early as space is limited. You may also mail or email the registration form to or The Shepherd’s Academy P. O. Box 392006 Snellville, GA 30039. Early bird discount available for spring testing students registered by February 1, 2022.


All test materials are secure and confidential and may not be viewed by anyone other than the student(s) and approved administrator(s) during testing. The test questions or answers may not be discussed with any parent, student, or other individual before, during, or after testing.

Test Administrators

The Shepherd’s Academy for Teaching Excellence representatives adhere to all guidelines for implementing test security, while ensuring that its highly qualified staff maintains a thorough knowledge of testing procedures and professional conduct. Dr. Penn, the test administrator and all proctors meet the qualifications for administering the paper and online assessments. They are credentialed, experienced, have attended test administration training, and completed assessment college coursework. They understand the concepts of standardized testing, security importance, and the implications of testing irregularities. 

Testing Sessions

Student assessments provide accurate, timely, and high-quality information about student progress and ensure classroom instruction is aligned with expected student outcomes and educational standards.  We administer different types of assessments over the course of the school year to provide a comprehensive picture of student progress and guide instruction. Some assessments guide improvements in ongoing instruction and enable educators and parents to offer appropriate supports to address individual student needs. Standardized test scores, together with other factors, inform grade promotion decisions and determine student eligibility for specific schools and programs. Additionally, some assessments are mandated for school funding.

July 20-22

9 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Stanford 10/Otis Lennon 8 Test

$60 EB/$80 registered after July 5


Per Student

Date TBD

9 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.

Wide Range Achievement Test


Per Student

January 5

Wide Range Achievement Test


Per Student

April 18-20

9 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Stanford 10/Otis Lennon 8 Test

$60 EB/$80 registered afterFebruay 1


Per Student

April 22

9 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.

Wide Range Achievement Test


Per Student

April 22

1:00  - 3:00 p.m.

Wide Range Achievement Test


Per Student

Individualized testing dates and times are to be determined

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